Factors Affecting Throughput in LTE :- Low mcs, Low sinr, Low rsrq , high prb usage, wrong earfcn Definition, no Carrier aggregation ör missing ca configuration, Pci , Route sequence index collision, Wrong tac planning, gateway security problem, etc. air quality (now sinr, rsrq, etc etc), modulation level. For example, 16QAM, 64QAM, etc. Low Throughput Issue:- 1 - Poor coverage (BLER) 2 - Availability issue 3 - Uplink Interference 4 - A poor RACH decoding SR 5 - High error on S1 link. 6 - Delay on S1 link towards MME & SGW. 7 - Accessibility issue. 8 - Handover failure. 9 - Lack of PRBs. 10 - Problematic UE. 11 - Downlink Interference (Bad CQI) 12 - MIMO Parameters 13 - High VSWR 14 - High radio errors or instability issue. 15 - Maximum number of RRC connections active per cell 16 - Maximum number of users per TTI supported per cell. 17 - Core network, MME/SGW, etc 18 - Transmission instability & bottleneck. 19 - Incorrect parameter setting. 20 - Badly tuned handover parameters...
A3 Authentication algorithm that produces SRES, using RAND and Ki.
A38 A38 A single algorithm performing the function of A3 and A8.
A5 Ciphering algorithm
A8 Ciphering key computation
A Interface b/n MSC and BSC
AB Access Burst.
ABR Answer Bid Ratio.
A bis Interface b/n BSC and BTS
AC Access Class (C0 to C15).
AC Application Context.
ACC Automatic Congestion Control.
ACK Acknowledgement protocol
ACM Accumulated Call meter.
ACM Address Complete Message.
ACPIM AC Power Interface Module. Used in M-Cell 6 indoor ac BTS equipment.
AC PSM AC Power Supply Module. Used in M-Cell 6 BTS equipment.
ACSE Associated Control Service Element.
ACU Antenna Combining Unit.
ADC ADministration Centre.
ADC American Digital Cellular
ADN Abbreviated Dialing Number.
ADM Adaptive Delta Modulation
ADPDM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. A technique for dramatically increasing the data rates available on copper wiring.
ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
AE Application Entity.
AEC Acoustic Echo Control.
AEF Additional Elementary Functions.
AET Active Events Table. Alarms and events are sent to the Events Log in the GUI. Different operators will have different subscription lists. All alarms and events are sent to the AET before they are re-routed to different subscription lists.
AFC Automatic Frequency Control.
AFN Absolute Frame Number.
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AGCH Access Grant Channel
Ai Action indicator.
AI Artificial Intelligence.
AIB Alarm Interface Board.
AIO A class of processor.
Air interface The radio link between the BTS and the MS.
AM Amplitude Modulation.
AMA Automatic Message Accounting (processor).
AM/MP Cell broadcast mobile terminated message. A message broadcast to all MSs in a cell.
AMPS Analogue Mobile Phone System. The US analogue cellular standard
AoC Advice of Change.(also Advanced Mobile Phone Service)
AoCC Advice of Change Charging supplementary service.
AoCI Advice of Change Information supplementary service.
AOC Automatic Output Control.
AP Application Process.
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
ARQ Automatic repeat request
ARP Address Resolution Protocol.
ASCE Association Control Service Element. An ASE which provides an AP with the means to establish and control an association with an AP in a remote NE. Maps directly onto the Presentation layer (OMC).
ASE Application Service Element (OMC)
ASE Application Specific Entity (TCAP).
ASN1 Abstract Syntax Notation One.
ASP Alarm and Status Panel.
ASR Answer Seizure Ratio.
AT Acceptance Test
ATB All Trunks Busy.
ATI Antenna Transceiver Interface.
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATT (flag) ATTach.
ATTS Automatic Trunk Testing Subsystem.
AU Access Unit.
AUC Authentication Center
B Interface Interface between MSC and VLR.
BA BCCH Allocation. The radio frequency channels allocated in a
cell for BCCH transmission.
BAIC Barring of All Incoming Calls supplementary service.
BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls supplementary service.
BBBX Battery Backup Board.
BBH Base Band Hopping.
BCC BTS Colour Code.
BCCH Broadcast Control Channel. A GSM logical control channel providing information to the mobile as to the channel configuration in the cell.
BCF Base station Control Function. The GSM term for the digital control circuitry which controls the BTS. In Motorola cell sites this is a normally a BCU which includes DRI modules and is located in the BTS cabinet.
BCIE Bearer Capability Information Element.
BCU Base station Control Unit. A functional entity of the BSS which provides the base control function at a BTS site. The term no longer applies to a type of shelf (see BSC and BSU).
BCUP Base Controller Unit Power.
BER Bit Error Rate
BES Business Exchange Services.
BFI Bad Frame Indication.
BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempt.
BI all Barring of All Incoming call supplementary service.
BIB Balanced-line Interconnect Board. Provides interface to 12 balanced (6-pair) 120 ohm (37-pin D-type connector) lines for 2 Mbit/s circuits (See also T43).
BIC–Roam Barring of All Incoming Calls when Roaming outside the Home PLMN Country supplementary service.
BIM Balanced-line Interconnect Module.
Bin An area in a data array used to store information.
BL BootLoad. Also known as download. For example, databases and software can be downloaded to the NEs from the BSS.
Bm Full rate traffic channel.
BN Bit Number. Number which identifies the position of a particular bit period within a timeslot.
BP Burst Period
BPSM BCU Power Supply Module.
BS Base Station
BS Bearer Service. A type of telecommunication service that provides the capability for the transmission of signals between user-network interfaces. The PLMN connection type used to support a bearer service may be identical to that used to support other types of telecommunication service.
BSC Base Station Controller. The part of the GSM system responsible for controlling the base stations.
BSG Basic Service Group.
BSIC Base Transceiver Station Identity Code. A block of code, consisting of the GSM PLMN colour code and a base station colour code. One Base Station can have several Base Station Colour Codes.
BSIC-NCELLBSIC of an adjacent cell.
BSP Base Site control Processor (at BSC).
BSN Backward Sequence Number.
BSS Base Station Sub-system. The combination of BTS and BTS.
BSSAP BSS Application Part (DTAP + BSSMAP).
BSSC Base Station System Control cabinet. The cabinet which houses one or two BSU shelves at a BSC or one or two RXU shelves at a remote transcoder.
BSSMAP BSS Management Part. The protocol used for BSS management on the Abis interface.
BSSOMAP BSS Operation and Maintenance Application Part (of Signalling System No. 7).
BSU Base Station Unit shelf. The shelf which houses the digital control modules for the BTS ( p/o BTS cabinet) or BSC ( p/o BSSC cabinet).
BT Bus Terminator.
BT Bandwidth – Time product. A means of measuring the amount of filtering applied to the pulse during the modulation process.
BTC Bus Terminator Card.
BTF Base Transceiver Function.
BTP Base Transceiver Processor (at bts). One of 6 basic task groups within GPROC.
BTS Base Transceiver Station. Another name for BS.
Burst A period of modulated carrier less than 1 timeslot. physical content of a timeslot.
C Interface Interface between MSC and HLR/AUC.
C7 ITU-TSS Signalling System 7 (sometimes referred to as S7 or SS#7).
CA Cell Allocation. The radio frequency channels allocated to a particular cell.
CA Central Authority.
CAB Cabinet.
CADM Country ADMinistration. The Motorola procedure used within DataGen to create new country and network files in the DataGen database.
CAI Charge Advice Information.
CAI Common Air Interface as in CT2 standard.
CAT Cell Analysis Tool.
CB Cell Broadcast.
CB Circuit Breaker.
CBC Cell Broadcast Centre.
CBCH Cell Broadcast Channel
CBF Combining Bandpass Filter.
CBL Cell Broadcast Link.
CBM Circuit Breaker Module.
CBMI Cell Broadcast Message Identifier.
CBSMS Cell Broadcast Short Message Service.
CBUS Clock Bus.
CC Connection Confirm (Part of SCCP network connectivity).
CC Country Code.
CC Call Control. The protocol layer within GSM responsible for overall control of call.
CCB Cavity Combining Block, a three way RF combiner. There are two types of CCB, CCB (Output) and CCB (Extension). These, with up to two CCB Control cards, may comprise the TATI. The second card may be used for redundancy.
CCBS Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber supplementary service.
CCCH Common Control CHannels. A class of GSM control channels used to control paging and grant access. Includes AGCH, PCH, and RACH.
CCCH_GROUP Group of MSs in idle mode.
CCD Common Channel Distributor.
CCDSP Channel Coding Digital Signal Processor.
CCF Conditional Call Forwarding.
CCH Control CHannel. Control channels are channels which carry system management messages.
CCH Council for Communications Harmonization (referred to in GSM Recommendations).
CCIT Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique. This term has been superceded by ITU–TSS (International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications Sector).
CCM Current Call Meter.
CCP Capability/Configuration Parameter.
CCPE Control Channel Protocol Entity.
CCS Hundred call-seconds. The unit in which amounts of telephone traffic are measured. A single call lasting one hundred seconds is one CCS.
CDB Control Driver Board.
CDE Common Desktop Environment. Part of the SUN software
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access. The use of different codes to allow users to access the same spectrum at the same time.
CDR Call Detail Records.
CDUR Chargeable DURation.
CEB Control Equalizer Board (BTS).
CED Called station identifier.
CEIR Central Equipment Identity Register.
Cell By GSM definition, a cell is an RF coverage area. At an omni-site, cell is synonymous with site; at a sectored site, cell is synonymous with sector. This differs from analogue systems where cell is taken to mean the same thing as site.
CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction, Vocoder.
CEND End of charge point.
CEPT European Committee for Post and Telecommunication. The European body responsible for radio spectrum management.
CERM Circuit Error Rate Monitor.
CF Conversion Facility.
CF all Call Forwarding services.
CFB Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Busy supplementary service.
CFC Conditional Call Forward.
CFNRc Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable supplementary service.
CFNRy Call Forwarding on No Reply supplementary service.
CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional supplementary service.
CGI Cell Global Identity
CIM Coaxial Interconnect Module.
CHP CHarging Point.
CHV Card Holder Verification information.
CKSN Ciphering Key Sequence Number.
CI Cell Identity. A block of code which identifies a cell within a location area.
CI CUG Index.
CIC Circuit Identity Code.
CIR, C/I Carrier to Interference Ratio.
CKSN Ciphering Key Sequence Number.
CLI Calling Line Identity.
CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation supplementary service.
CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction supplementary service.
CLKX Clock Extender half size board. The fibre optic link that distributes GCLK to boards in system (p/o BSS etc).
CLM Connectionless Manager.
CM Configuration Management. An OMC application.
CM Connection Management.
CMM Channel Mode Modify.
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol.
CMISE Common Management Information Service Element. An ASE which provides a means to transfer management information via CMIP messages with another NE over an association established by ASCE using ROSE (OMC).
CMR Cellular Manual Revision.
CNG CalliNg tone.
COLI COnnected Line Identity.
Collocated Placed together; two or more items together in the same place.
Coincident Cell A cell which has a co-located neighbour whose cell boundary follows the boundary of the said cell. The coincident cell has a different frequency type, but the same BSIC, as that of the neighbour cell.
COLP COnnected Line Identification Presentation supplementary service.
COLR COnnected Line Identification Restriction supplementary service.
COM Code Object Manager.
COMB Combiner.
CONNACK CONNect ACKnowledgement.
COST Co-operation in Science and Technology programme (Europe).
COST231 COST committee dealing with future mobile system.
CP Call Processing.
C/R Command/Response field bit.
CR Carriage Return (RETURN).
CR Connection Request (Part of SCCP network connectivity).
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check (3 bit).
CRE Call RE-establishment procedure.
CREF Connection REFused (Part of SCCP network connectivity).
CRM Cell Resource Manager.
CRM-LS/HS Cellular Radio Modem-Low Speed/High Speed. Low speed modem used to interwork 300 to 2400 bit/s data services under V.22bis, V.23, or V.21 standards. High speed modem used to interwork 1200 to 9600 bit/s data services under V.22bis, V.32, or V.29/V.27ter/V.21 standards.
CSFP Code Storage Facility Processor (at BSC and BTS).
CSP Central Statistics Process. The statistics process in the BSC.
CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data Network
CT Call Transfer supplementary service.
CT Channel Type or Tester.
CT-0 The original analogue VHF/LF cordless phone technology as used in UK, France and elsewhere.
CT-1 Cordless Telephone Generation 1 – 900 MHz analogue FM cordless Technology standardized by CEPT.
CT-2 Cordless Telephone Generation 2. An early UK digital cordless standard.
CT-3 Early Swedish (Ericsson) digital cordless standard.
CTM Cordless Terminal Mobility – an application concept and an ETSI project.
CTP Call Trace Product (Tool).
CTR Common Technical Regulation.
CTS Clear to Send. Method of flow control (RS232 Interface).
CTU Compact Transceiver Unit (M-Cell horizon radio).
CUG Closed User Group supplementary service.
Cumulative value The total value for an entire statistical interval.
CW Call Waiting supplementary service.
D Interface Interface between VLR and HLR.
DAB Disribution Alarm Board.
DACS Digital Access Cross-connect System.
DAN Digital ANnouncer (for recorded announcements on MSC).
DB Dummy Burst (A period of carrier less than one timeslot whose modulation is a defined sequence that carries no useful information. A dummy burst fills a timeslot with an RF signal when no information is to be delivered to a channel)
DBA DataBase Administration/Database Administrator.
DCB Diversity Control Board (p/o DRCU).
DCCH Dedicated Control CHannel. A class of GSM control channels used to set up calls and report measurements. Includes SDCCH, FACCH, and SACCH.
DCD Data Carrier Detect signal.
DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment.
DCF Data Communications Function.
DCF Duplexed Combining bandpass Filter. (Used in Horizon macro).
DCN Data Communications Network. A DCN connects Network Elements with internal mediation functions or mediation devices to the Operations Systems.
DC PSM DC Power Supply Module.
DCS Digital Cellular System (eg DCS1800).
DDF Dual-stage Duplexed combining Filter. (Used in Horizon macro).
DDS DataGen Directory Structure.
DDS Data Drive Storage.
DDS Direct Digital Synthesis.
DECT Digital European Cordless Telephone. European cordless telephone standard.
DEQB Diversity Equalizer Board.
DFE Decision Feedback Equalizer.
DGT Data Gathering Tool.
DHP Digital Host Processor.
DIA Drum Intercept Announcer.
DINO E1/HDSL Line termination module.
DINO T1 Line termination module.
DIQ Diversity In phase and Quadrature phase.
DIR Device Interface Routine.
DL Data Link (layer).
DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier.
DLD Data Link Discriminator.
DLNB Diversity Low Noise Block.
DLSP Data Link Service Process.
DLSP Digital Link Signalling Processor.
Dm Control channel (ISDN terminology applied to mobile service).
DMA Deferred Maintenance Alarm. An alarm report level; an immediate or deferred response is required (see also PMA).
DMA Direct Memory Access.
DMR Digital Mobile Radio.
DMX Distributed Electronic Mobile Exchange (Motorola’s networked EMX family).
DN Directory Number.
DNIC Data network identifier.
Downlink Physical link from the BTS towards the MS (BTS transmits, MS receives).
DP Dial/Dialled Pulse.
DPC Destination Point Code. A part of the label in a signaling message that uniquely identifies, in a signalling network, signalling) destination point of the message.
DPC Digital Processing and Control board.
DPNSS Digital Private Network Signalling System (BT standard for PABX interface).
DPP Dual Path Preselector.
DPR, DPRAM Dual Port Random Access Memory.
DPSM Digital Power Supply Module.
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory.
DRC Data Rate Converter board. Provides data and protocol conversion between PLMN and destination network for 8 circuits (p/o IWF).
DRCU Diversity Radio Channel Unit. Contains transceiver, digital control circuits, and power supply (p/o BSS) (see RCU).
(D)RCU Generic term for radio channel unit. May be standard RCU or diversity radio channel unit DRCU.
DRI Digital Radio Interface. Provides encoding/decoding and encryption/decryption for radio channel (p/o BSS).
DRIM Digital Radio Interface extended Memory. A DRI with extra memory.
DRIX DRI Extender half size board. Fibre optic link from DRI to BCU (p/o BSS).
DRX Discontinuous reception (mechanism). A means of saving battery power by periodically and automatically switching the MS receiver on and off.
DSE Data Switching Exchange.
DSI Digital Speech Interpolation.
DSP Digital Signal Processor.
DSS1 Digital Subscriber Signalling No 1.
DSSI Diversity Signal Strength Indication.
DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part. The protocol used on the Abis interface to distinguish b/n messages for mobiles and for BTSs.
DTE Data Terminal Equipment.
DTF Digital Trunk Frame.
DT1 DaTa form 1 (Part of SCCP network connectivity).
DTI Digital Trunk Interface.
DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (tone signalling type).
DTR Data Terminal Ready signal. Method of flow control (RS232 Interface).
DTRX Dual Transceiver Module. (Radio used in M-Cell arena and M-Cell arenamacro).
DTX, DTx Discontinuous Transmission (mechanism). A means of saving battery power (for example in hand-portable units) and reducing interference by automatically switching the transmitter off when no speech or data are to be sent.
DUPLEX Simultaneous two way conversation.
DYNET DYnamic NETwork. Used to specify BTSs sharing dynamic resources.
E Interface Interface between MSC and MSC.
EA External Alarms.
EAS External Alarm System.
Eb/No Energy per Bit/Noise floor.
EBCG Elementary Basic Service Group.
EC Echo Canceller. Performs echo suppression for all voice circuits.
ECB Provides echo cancelling for telephone trunks for 30 channels (EC).
ECID The Motorola European Cellular Infrastructure Division.
ECM Error Correction Mode (facsimile).
Ec/No Ratio of energy per modulating bit to the noise spectral density.
ECT Event Counting Tool.
ECT Explicit Call Transfer supplementary service.
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution. Method of increasing data rates in GSM by using 8PSK modulation
EEL Electric Echo Loss.
EGSM900 Extended GSM900.
EI Events Interface. Part of the OMC-R GUI.
EIR Equipment Identity Register. Part of the GSM system responsible for keeping details of the mobile units and their status
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power.
EIRP Equipment Identity Register Procedure.
EL Echo Loss.
EM Event Management. An OMC application.
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility.
EMF Electro Motive Force.
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference.
eMLPP enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption service.
EMMI Electrical Man Machine Interface.
EMU Exchange office Management Unit (p/o Horizon office)
EMX Electronic Mobile Exchange (Motorola’s MSC family).
8PSK Eight Phase Shift Keying. Modulation techniques encoding 3 bits to each symbol.
EPSM Enhanced Power Supply Module (+27 V).
EQB Equalizer Board. Control circuit for equalization for 8 timeslots each with equalizing circuitry and a DSP (p/o RCU).
EQCP Equalizer Control Processor.
EQ DSP Equalizer Digitizer Signal Processor.
ERP Ear Reference Point.
ERP Effective Radiated Power.
ESP Electro-static Point.
ESQL Embedded SQL (Structured Query Language). An RDBMS programming interface language.
ETR ETSI Technical Report.
ETS ETSI Technical standard.( European Telecommunication Standard.)
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
ETX End of Transmission.
EXEC Executive Process.
F Interface Interface between MSC and EIR.
FA Fax Adaptor.
FA Full Allocation.
FA Functional Area.
FAC Final Assembly Code.
FACCH Fast Associated Control Channel. A logical channel used for sending emergency information to the mobile suppressing traffic information.
FB Frequency correction Burst
FC-AL Fibre Channel Arbitration Loop . (Type of hard disc).
FCCH Frequency Control Channel. A logical control channel within GSM used to allow the mobile to lock onto the transmitted signal.
FCP Fault Collection Process (in BTS).
FCS Frame Check Sequence.
FDD Frequency Division Duplex
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access. The division of the radio frequency into narrow slots, each one being given to a different user.
FDN Fixed Dialling Number.
FDP Fault Diagnostic Procedure.
FEC Forward Error Correction.
FEP Front End Processor.
FER Frame Erasure Ratio.
FER Frequency Error Rate
FFS, FS For Further Study.
FH Frequency Hopping. Changing rapidly from frequency to frequency to avoid roblematic propagation effects
FIB Forward Indicator Bit.
FIR Finite Impulse Response (filter type).
FK Foreign Key. A database column attribute; the foreign key indicates an index into another table.
FM Fault Management (at OMC).
FMIC Fault Management Initiated Clear.
FMUX Fibre optic MUltipleXer.
FN Frame Number. Identifies the position of a particular TDMA frame within a hyperframe.
FOA First Office Application.
FOX Fibre Optic eXtender.
FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Service. The US name for third generation radio systems.
FR Full Rate. Refers to the current capacity of a data channel on the GSM air interface, that is, 8 simultaneous calls per carrier
FRU Field Replaceable Unit.
Frequency correction Period of RF carrier less than one timeslot whose modulation bit stream allows frequency correction to be performed easily within an MS burst.
FS Frequency Synchronization.
FSK Frequency shift keying
FSL Free Space Loss. The decrease in the strength of a radio signal as it travels between a transmitter and receiver. TheFSL is a function of the frequency of the radio signal and thedistance the radio signal has travelled from the point source.
FSN Forward Sequence Number.
FTAM File Transfer, Access, and Management. An ASE which provides a means to transfer information from file to file (OMC).
ftn forwarded-to number.
FT Frequency Termination
FTP Fault Translation Process (in BTS).
FTP File Transfer Protocol.
G Interface Interface between VLR and VLR.
Gateway MSC An MSC that provides an entry point into the GSM PLMN from another network or service. A gateway MSC is also an interrogating node for incoming PLMN calls.
GAP Generic Access Profile of DECT.
GBIC Gigabit Interface Converter.
GCLK Generic Clock board. System clock source, one per site
GCR Group Call Register.
GDP Generic DSP Processor board. Interchangeable with the XCDR board.
GDP E1 GDP board configured for E1 link usage.
GDP T1 GDP board configured for T1 link usage.
GFSK Gaussian filtered FSK modulation.
GID Group ID. A unique number usedby the system to identify a user’s primary group.
GIP GSM interworking profile of DECT.
GIWU GSM Interworking Unit
GMB GSM Multiplexer Board (p/o BSC).
GMR GSM Manual Revision.
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying. The modulation technique used in GSM, a form of phase modulation.
GoS Grade of Service
GPC General Protocol Converter.
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning by Satellite.
GSA GSM Service Area. The area in which an MS can be reached by a fixed subscriber, without the subscriber’s knowledge of the location of the MS. A GSA may include the areas served by several GSM PLMNs.
GSA GSM System Area. The group of GSM PLMN areas accessible by GSM MSs.
GSM Global System for Mobile telecommunication (Groupe Speciale Mobile)
GSR GSM Software Release.
GT Global Title.
GTE Generic Table Editor. The Motorola procedure which allows users to display and edit MCDF input files.
Guard period Period at the beginning and end of timeslot during which MS transmission is attenuated.
GUI Graphical User Interface.
GUI client A computer used to display a GUI from an OMC-R GUI application which is being brun on a GUI server.
GUI server A computer used to serve the OMC-R GUI application process running locally (on its processor) to other computers (Gui clients or other MMI processors).
GWY GateWaY (MSC/LR) interface to PSTN.
H Interface Interface between HLR and AUC.
H-M Human-Machine Terminals.
HAD, HAP HLR Authentication Distributor.
HANDOVER Procedure whereby communication b/n a mobile handset and a base station is automatically routed via an alternative base station when necessary to maintain or improve the communication. (Also called HANDOFF)
HCU Hybrid Combining Unit. (Used in Horizon macro).
HDLC High level Data Link Control.
HDSL High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line.
HLC High Layer Compatibility. The HLC can carry information defining the higher layer characteristics of a teleservice active on the terminal.
HLR Home Location Register. The part of the GSM system responsible for holding records about mobiles and for keeping track of the parent MSC area.
HMS Heat Management System. The system that provides environmental control of the components inside the ExCell, TopCell and M-Cell cabinets.
HPU Hand Portable Unit.
HOLD Call hold supplementary service.
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data. 2.5 G enhancement to GSM giving higher data rates.
HSI/S High Speed Interface card.
HSM HLR Subscriber Managemen
HSN Hopping Sequence Number
Hyperframe 2048 superframes. The longest recurrent time period of the frame structure.
I Information frames (RLP).
IA Incoming Access (closed user group (CUG) SS (supplementary service).
IADU Integrated Antenna Distribution Unit. (The IADU is the equivalent of the Receive Matrix used on pre-M-Cell BTSs).
IAM Initial Address Message.
IAP ISDN Access Profile for DECT
IAS Internal Alarm System.
IC Interlock Code (CUG SS).
IC(pref) Interlock Code op the preferential CUG.
ICB Incoming Calls Barred.
ICC Integrated Circuit(s) Card.
ICM In-Call Modification.
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol.
IDN Integrated Digital Network.
IDS INFOMIX Database Server. (OMC-R relational databasemanagement system)
IE Information Element (signalling).
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
IEI Information Element Identifier.
IMM IMMediate assignment message.
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Published mobile number (prior to ISDN) (see also MSISDN) that uniquely identifies the subscription. It can serve as a key to derive subscriber information such as directory number(s) from the HLR.
IMT2000 International Mobile Telecommunications system for the year 2000.
IN Intelligent Network
IN Interrogating Node. A switching node that interrogates an HLR, to route a call for an MS to the visited MSC.
INS IN Service.
INS Intelligent Network Service.
InterAlg Interference Algorithm. A single interference algorithm in a cell.
IOS Intelligent Optimization Platform.
IP Internet Protocol, a layer 3 network protocol
IPC Inter-Process Communication.
IP, INP INtermodulation Products.
IPR Intellectual PRoperty.
IPSM Integrated Power Supply Module (–48 V).
IS54 US digital AMPS standard
IS95 US CDMA digital cellular standard
ISAM Indexed Sequential Access Method.
ISC International Switching Centre.
ISI Inter – Symbol Interference. A radio propagation effect whereby echoes of the received signals cause previous symbols transmitted to interference with current symbols.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network. A protocol for sending digital information over copper landlines.
ISG Motorola Information Systems group (formally CODEX).
ISO International Organisation for Standardization.
ISQL Informix Structured Query Language.
IT Inactivity Test (Part of SCCP network connectivity).
ITC Information Transfer Capability.
ITU International Telecommunication Union. The international body responsible for spectrum management.
IWF Inter-working Function A network functional entity which provides network interworking, service interworking, supplementary service interworking or signalling interworking. It may be a part of one or more logical or physical entities in a GSM PLMN.
IWMSC InterWorking MSC.
IWP Inter-working Profile
IWU Inter-working Unit
L2ML Layer 2 Management Link.
L2R Layer 2 Relay function. A function of an MS and IWF that adapts a user’s known layer2 protocol LAPB onto RLP for transmission between the MT and IWF.
L2R BOP L2R Bit Orientated Protocol.
L2R COP L2R Character Orientated Protocol.
LA Location Area. An area in which an MS may move freely without updating the location register. An LA may comprise one or several base station areas.
LAC Location Area Code.
LAI Location Area Identity. The information indicating the location area in which a cell is located.
LAPB Link Access Protocol Balanced (of ITU–TSS Rec. x.25).
LAPDm Link Access Protocol on the Dm channel.
LAPD Link Access Protocol Data or Link Access Protocol on interface D. A part of the ISDN protocol stack also used in GSM.
LCF Link Control Function.
LCN Local Communications Network.
LCP Link Control Processor.
LE Local Exchange.
LEO Low Earth Orbiting satellite system. A proposed communication system based on up to 66 satellites.
LF Line Feed.
LI Line Identity.
LLC Lower Layer Compatibility. The LLC can carry information defining the lower layer characteristics of the terminal.
LLME Lower Layer Management Entity. (DECT)
Lm Traffic channel with capacity lower than a Bm.
LMSI Local Mobile Station Identity
LMT Local Maintenance Terminal.
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
LND Last Number Dialled.
LOS Line – Of – Sight
LPC Linear Predictive Coding
LSSU Link Stations Signalling Unit (Part of MTP transport system).
LSTR Listener Side Tone Rating.
LTA Long Term Average. The value required in a BTS’s GCLK frequency register to produce a 16.384 MHz clock.
LTE Local Terminal Emulator.
LTP Long Term Predictive.
LTU Line Terminating Unit.
LU Local Units.
LU Location Update.
LV Length and Value.
M&TS Maintenance and Troubleshooting. Functional area of Network Management software which (1) collects and displays alarms, (2) collects and displays Software/Hardware errors, and (3) activates test diagnostics at the NEs (OMC).
MA Mobile Allocation. The radio frequency channels allocated to an MS for use in its frequency hopping sequence.
MAC Medium Access Control. The means whereby mobiles access radio channels which are not permanently reserved for their own particular use.
MACN Mobile Allocation Channel Number.
Macrocell A cell in which the base station antenna is generally mountedaway from buildings or above rooftop level.
MAF Mobile Additional Function.
MAH Mobile Access Hunting supplementary service.
MAI Mobile Allocation Index.
MAIDT Mean Accumulated Intrinsic Down Time.
MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset.
MAP Mobile Application Part. Part of the SS7 protocol dealing with mobile services.
MAPP Mobile Application Part Processor.
MCAP Motorola Cellular Advanced Processor.
MCC Mobile Country Code.
MCDF Motorola Customer Data Format used by DataGen for simple data entry and retrieval.
MCI Malicious Call Identification supplementary service.
MCSC Motorola Customer Support Centre.
MCU Main Control Unit for M-Cell 2/6. Also referred to as the Micro Control Unit in software.
MCUF Main Control Unit, with dual FMUX. (Used in M-Cell horizon).
MCU-m Main Control Unit for M-Cell Micro sites (M-Cellm). Also referred to as the Micro Control Unit in software.
MCUm The software subtype representation of the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) for the MCU-m.
MD Mediation Device.
MDL(mobile)Management (entity) - Data Link (layer).
ME Maintenance Entity (GSM Rec. 12.00).
ME Mobile Equipment. Equipment intended to access a set of GSM PLMN and/or DCS telecommunication services, but which does not contain subscriber related information. Services may be accessed while the equipment, capable of surface movement within the GSM system area, is in motion or during halts at unspecified points.
MEF Maintenance Entity Function (GSM Rec. 12.00).
MHS Message Handling System.
MHS Mobile Handling Service.
MI Maintenance Information.
MIB Management Information Base. A Motorola OMC-Rdatabase. There is a CM MIB and an EM MIB.
MIC Mobile Interface Controller.
Microcell A cell in which the base station antenna is generally mounted below rooftop level. Radio wave propagation is by diffraction and scattering around buildings, the main propagation is within street canyons.
MM Mobile Management. The protocol layer within GSM responsible for keeping track of mobiles and performing security functions.
MMI Man Machine Interface. The method in which the user interfaces with the software to request a function or change parameters.
MMI server A computer which has its own local copy of the OMC-R software. It can run the OMC-R software for MMI clients to mount.
MMS Multiple Serial Interface Link
MNC Mobile Network Code.
MO Mobile Originated.
MO/PP Mobile Originated Point-to-Point messages.
MOMAP Motorola OMAP.
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MRC Micro Radio Control Unit.
MRN Mobile Roaming Number.
MRP Mouth Reference Point.
MS Mobile Station
MSC Mobile Switching Centre. The part of the GSM system responsible for switching calls.
MSCM Mobile Station Class Mark.
MSCU Mobile Station Control Unit.
MSI Multiple Serial Interface board. Intelligent interface to two 2 Mbit/s digital links (see 2 Mbit/s link and DS-2) (p/o BSS).
MSIN Mobile Station Identification Number.
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Number. The numbering system used to contact GSM mobiles from other networks. Published mobile umber (see also IMSI). Uniquely defines the mobile station s an ISDN terminal. It consists of three parts: the Country Code (CC), the National Destination Code (NDC) and the
Subscriber Number (SN).
MSK Minimum Shift Keying Modulation
MSN Mobile Service Node
MSRN Mobile Subscriber Roaming Number
MSU Message Signal Unit (Part of MTP transport system). A signal unit containing a service information octet and a signalling information field which is retransmitted by the signalling link control, if it is received in error.
MT Mobile Terminated. Describes a call or short message destined for an MS.
MTP Message Transfer Part. Part of the SS7 protocol stack.
MT/PP Mobile Terminated Point-to-Point messages.
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures.
MTK Message Transfer LinK.
MTL MTP Transport Layer Link (A interface).
MTP Message Transfer Part.
MTTR Mean Time To Repair.
Multiframe Two types of multiframe are defined in the system: a 26-frame multiframe with a period of 120 ms and a 51-frame multiframe with a period of 3060/13 ms.
MU Mark Up.
MUMS Multi User Mobile Station.
MXE Message Center.
NADC North America Digital Cellular
NB Normal Burst (see Normal burst).
NBIN A parameter in the hoping sequence.
NCC National Colour Code
NCELL Neighbouring (of current serving) Cell.
NCH Notification CHannel.
ND No Duplicates. A database column attribute meaning the column contains unique values (used only with indexed columns).
NDC National Destination Code.
NDUB Network Determined User Busy.
NE Network Element (Network Entity).
NEF Network Element Function block.
NET Norme Européennes de Telecommunications.
NETPlan Frequency planning tool.
NF Network Function.
NFS Network File System.
NHA Network Health Analyst. Optional OMC-R processor feature.
NIC Network Interface Card.
NIC Network Independent Clocking.
NIS Network Information Service. It allows centralised control of network information for example hostnames, IP addresses and passwords.
NIU Network Interface Unit.
NIU-m Network Interface Unit, micro.
NLK Network LinK processor(s).
NM Network Management (manager). NM is all activities which control, monitor and record the use and the performance of resources of a telecommunications network in order to provide telecommunication services to customers/users at a certain level of quality.
NMASE Network Management Application Service Element.
NMC Network Management Centre. The NMC node of the GSM TMN provides global and centralised GSM PLMN monitoring and control, by being at the top of the TMN hierarchy and linked to subordinate OMC nodes.
NMSI National Mobile Station Identification number.
NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone system. The Nordic analog cellular standard.
NN No Nulls. A database column attribute meaning the column must contain a value in all rows.
Normal burstA period of modulated carrier less than a timeslot.
NPI Number Plan Identifier.
NRZ Non Return to Zero.
NSAP Network Service Access Point.
NSP Network Service Provider.
NSS Network Switching Subsystem
NUA Network User Access.
NUI Network User Identification.
NUP National User Part
OA Outgoing Access (CUG SS).
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
OASCU Off-Air-Call-Set-Up. The procedure in which a telecommunication connection is being established whilst the RF link between the MS and the BTS is not occupied.
OCB Outgoing Calls Barred within the CUG.
OIC Operator Initiated Clear.
OLR Overall Loudness Rating.
OMAP Operations and Maintenance Application Part (of signaling system) (was OAMP).
OMC Operation and Maintenance Centre. The part of the GSM system responsible for monitoring network function.
OMC-G Operations and Maintenance Centre — Gateway Part. (Iridium)
OMC-G Operations and Maintenance Centre — GPRS Part.
OMC-R Operations and Maintenance Centre — Radio Part.
OMC-S Operations and Maintenance Centre — Switch Part.
OMF Operations and Maintenance Function (at BSC).
OML Operations and Maintenance Link.
OMP Operation and Maintenance Processor.
OMS Operation and Maintenance System (BSC–OMC).
OMSS Operation and Maintenance SubSystem.
OOS Out Of Service.
OPC Originating Point Code. A part of the label in a signaling message that uniquely identifies, in a signalling network, the (signalling) origination point of the message.
ORAC Olympus Radio Architecture Chipset.
OSI Open Systems Interconnection.
OSI RM OSI Reference Model.
OSF Operation Systems Function block.
OSF/MOTIF Open Software Foundation Motif. The basis of GUI used for Motorola OMC-R MMI.
OSS Operation Subsystem
OSS Operation and Support System
O&M Operation and Maintenance
Overlap Overlap sending means that digits are sent from one system to another as soon as they are received by the sending system. A system using ~ will not wait until it has received all digits of a call before it starts to send the digits to the next system. This is the opposite of en bloc sending where all digits for a given call are sent at one time.
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler facility.
Paging The procedure by which a GSM PLMN fixed infrastructure attempts to reach an MS within its location area, before any other network-initiated procedure can take place.
PAGCH Paging and Access Grant Channel. A GSM logical control channel providing paging information and allowing mobiles to make access attempts.
PBX Private Branch Exchange (today has same meaning as PABX)
PCH Paging Channel. A GSM common control channel used to send paging messages to the MSs.
PCHN Physical Channel / Paging Channel Network.
PCM Pulse Code Modulation. A simple form of speech coding.
PCN Personal Communications Network
PCR Preventative Cyclic Retransmission. A form of error correction suitable for use on links with long transmission delays, such as satellite links.
PCS1900 Personal Communications System at 1900 MHz. A variant of GSM working at 1900MHz designed for theUS.
PCU Packet Control Unit (p/o GPRS).
PDC Personal Digital Cellular. The Japanese cellular standard.
PDF Power Distribution Frame (MSC/LR).
PDN Public Data Networks.
PH Packet Handler.
PHI Packet Handler Interface.
PHL Physical layer – lowest protocol layer.
PHS Personal Handiphone System. The Japanese cordless telephone standard.
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement.
PID Process IDentifier/Process ID.
PIM PCM Interface Module (MSC).
PIN Personal Identification Number.
PIN Problem Identification Number.
PIX Parallel Interface Extender half size board. Customer alarm interface (p/o BSS).
PIXT Protocol Implementation eXtra information for Testing.
PK Primary Key. A database column attribute, the primary key is a not-null, non-duplicate index. Plaintext Unciphered data.
PlaNET Frequency planning tool.
PLL Phase Lock Loop (refers to phase locking the GCLK in the BTS).
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PM Performance Management. An OMC application.
PM-UI Performance Management User Interface.
PMR Private (or Professional ) Mobile Radio. A radio system owned by the users typically large companies.
POI Point of Interconnection (with PSTN).
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service.
PP Portable Part
Primary Cell A cell which is already optimized in the network and has a co-located neighbour whose cell boundary follows the boundary of the said cell. The primary cell has a preferred band equal to the frequency type of the coincident cell.
PSA Periodic Supervision of Accessability.
PSAP Presentation Services Access Point.
PSK Phase Shift Keying Modulation
PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network. Public data communications network. x.25 links required for NE to OMC communications will probably be carried by PSPDN.
PSTN Public Switch Telephone Network
PTO Public Telecommunications Operator.
PT Portable Termination
PXPDN Private eXchange Public Data Network.
QA Q (Interface) – Adapter.
Q3 Interface between NMC and GSM network.
Q-adapter Used to connect MEs and SEs to TMN (GSM Rec. 12.00).
QAF Q-Adapter Function.
QOS Quality Of Service.
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying. A form of modulation whereby orthogonal carriers are used to gain the maximum information from the channel.
QUANT’N Quantisation is a process of representing samples of an analogue waveform by the nearest whole number of predefined voltage steps.
RA RAndom mode request information field.
RAB Random Access Burst.
RACH Random Access Channel. A GSM logical control channel used for making uplink access attempts.
RACCH Random Access Control CHannel. A GSM common control channel used to originate a call or respond to a page.
RAN Radio Access Network
RAP Radio Access Profile for DECT
RATI Receive Antenna Transceiver Interface.
RAx Rate Adaptation.
RBDS Remote BSS Diagnostic System (a discontinued Motorola diagnostic facility).
RBER Residual Bit Error Ratio.
RBTS Remote Base Transceiver Station.
RCB Radio Control Board (p/o DRCU).
RCI Radio Channel Identifier.
RCP Radio Control Processor.
RCU Radio Channel Unit. Contains transceiver, digital control circuits, and power supply (p/o BSS) (see DRCU).
RDI Radio Digital Interface System.
RDIS Restricted Digital Information.
RDM Reference Distribution Module.
RDN Relative Distinguished Name. A series of RDN form a unique identifier, the distinguished name, for a particular network element.
RELP Residual Excited Linear Predictive.
RFCH Radio Frequency Channel
RFI Radio Frequency Interference.
RFN Reduced TDMA Frame Number.
RFU Reserved for Future Use.
RFP Radio Fixed Part
RIL Radio Interface Layer. The protocol within GSM responsible for maintenance of the radio interface.
RLAN Radio Local Area Network
RLL Radio Local Loop
RMSU Remote Mobile Switching Unit.
ROSE Remote Operations Service Element. An ASE which carries a message between devices over an association established by ASCE (a CCITT specification for O & M)
Roundtrip Time period between transmit and receive instant of a timeslot in the BTS, propagation determined by the response behaviour of the MS and the MS to BTS delay distance.
RPE-LTP Regular Pulse Excitation – long term predictor – speech coder user in GSM.
RR Radio Resource. The protocol layer within GSM responsible for providing a service over the air interface.
RSL Radio Signalling Link.
RSLF Radio System Link Function.
RSS Radio SubSystem (replaced by BSS).
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication
RSZI Regional Subscription Zone Identity.
RTC Remotely Tuneable Channel Combiner.
RTE Remote Terminal Emulator.
RTF Radio Transceiver Function.
RTF Receive Transmit Functions.
RTS Request to Send.
RXF Receive Function (of the RTF).
RXLEV-D Received signal level downlink.
RXLEV-U Received signal level uplink.
RXQUAL-D Received signal quality downlink.
RXQUAL-U Received signal quality uplink.
RXU Remote Transcoder Unit. The shelf which houses the remote transcoder modules in a BSSC cabinet at a remote transcoder site.
SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode. A message which establishes the signalling link over the air interface.
SABME SABM Extended.
SACCH Slow Associated Control Channel. A logical channel used alongside a traffic channel to send signaling information to and from the mobile.
SACCH/C4 Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/4.
SACCH/C8 Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/8.
SACCH/T Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel.
SACCH/TF Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel Full rate.
SACCH/TH Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel Half rate.
SAGE A brand of trunk test equipment.
SAP Service Access Point. In the reference model for OSI, SAPs of a layer are defined as gates through which services are offered to an adjacent higher layer.
SAP System Audits Process.
SAPI Service Access Point Indicator (identifier).
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave.
SB Synchronization Burst (see Synchronization burst).
SC Service Centre (used for Short Message Service).
SC Service Code.
SCCA System Change Control Administration. Software module which allows full or partial software download to the NE (OMC).
SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part (6-8).
SCEG Speech Coding Experts Group (of GSM).
SCH Synchronization Channel
SCCH Synchronization Control Channel. A GSM logical control channel providing synchronization to the mobile.
SCCP Signalling Control and Connection Part. Part of the SS7 protocol stack.
SCI Status Control Interface.
SCIP Serial Communication Interface Processor.
SCM Status Control Manager.
SCN Sub-Channel Number. The Parameter defining particular physical channel in a BS.
SCP Service Control Point (an intelligent network entity).
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface.
SCU Slim Channel Unit.
SCU900 Slim Channel Unit for GSM900.
SDCCH Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel. A GSM control channel where the majority of call setup occurs. Used for MS to BTS communications before MS assigned to TCH.
SDU Service Data Unit.
Secondary Cell A cell which is not optimized in the network and has a co-located neighbour whose cell boundary follows the boundary of the said cell. The secondary cell has a preferred band the same as that of its own frequency type.
SFH Slow Frequency Hopping.
SI Service Interworking.
SID Silence Descriptor
SIF Signal Information Field. The bits of a message signal unit that carry information for a certain user transaction; the SIF always contains a label.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIMM Single Inline Memory module.
SIMM System Integrated Memory Module.
SIMPLEX One – way communication
SL Signalling Link.
SLR Send Loudness Rating.
SLTM Signalling Link Test Message.
SMCB Short Message Cell Broadcast.
SMG Special Mobile Group.
SMS Short Message Service. A feature within GSM whereby messages of up to 160 characters can be transmitted to mobiles.
SMS – CB SMS – Cell Broadcast
SMS – SC SMS – Service Centre. The part of GSM system which handles short messages.
SMS MO/PP SMS – Originating Point to Point
SMS MT/PP SMS – Mobile Terminating Point to Point
Smt Short message terminal.
SN Subscriber Number.
SOA Suppress Outgoing Access (CUG SS).
SP Service Provider. The organisation through which the subscriber obtains GSM telecommunications services. This may be a network operator or possibly a separate body.
SP Signalling Point.
SPC Signalling Point Code.
SPI Signalling Point Inaccessible.
SPP Single Path Preselector.
SQE Signal Quality Error.
SQL Structured Query Language.
SRD Service Request Distributor.
SREC Signed RESult. Produced by authentication algorithm.
SRES Signed RESponse (authentication).
SS Supplementary Service. A modification of, or a supplement to, a basic telecommunication service.
SS System Simulator.
SS Switching System
SSA SCCP messages, Subsystem-allowed
SSAP Site System Audits Processor.
SSC Supplementary Service Control string.
SSF Subservice Field. The level 3 field containing the network indicator and two spare bits.
SSM Signalling State Machine.
SSN SubSystem Number.
SSP Service Switching Point
SSP SCCP messages, Subsystem-prohibited
SSP SubSystem Prohibited message.
SSS Switching SubSystem (comprising the MSC and the LRs).
STAN Statistical ANalysis (processor).
STC System Timing Controller.
STMR Side Tone Masking rating.
SUERM Signal Unit Error Rate Monitor.
STP Signalling Transfer Point.
Superframe 51 traffic/associated control multiframes or 26 broadcast/common control multiframes (period 6.12s).
Super user User account that can access all files, regardless of protection settings, and control all user accounts.
SURF Sectorized Universal Receiver Front-end (Used in Horizon macro).
SVC Switch Virtual Circuit.
SVN Software Version Number.
Sync.burst Period of RF carrier less than one timeslot whose modulation bit stream carries information for the MS to synchronize its frame to that of the received signal.
TA Timing Advance. A signal sent by the BTS to the MS. It enables the MS to
advance the timing of its transmission to the BTS so as to compensate for propagation delay.
TA Terminal Adaptor. A physical entity in the MS providing terminal adaptation functions.
TAC Type Approval Code.
TACS Total Access Communication System. The UK (and other European countries) analogue cellular standard.
TAF Terminal Adaptation Function.
TATI Transmit Antenna Transceiver Interface. The TATI consists of RF combining equipments, either Hybrid or Cavity Combining. (See CCB).
TAXI Transparent Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver Interface (physical layer).
TBR Technical Basis for Regulation – ETSI standards.
TC Transaction Capabilities.
TCAP Transaction Capability Application Part. Part of the SS7 protocol stack
TCH Traffic Channel. The channel used in GSM to send subscriber information.
TCH/F A full rate TCH.
TCH/F2.4 A full rate TCH at less than or equal to 2.4 kbit/s.
TCH/F4.8 A full rate TCH at 4.8 kbit/s.
TCH/F9.6 A full rate TCH at 9.6 kbit/s.
TCH/FS A full rate Speech TCH.
TCH/H A half rate TCH.
TCH/H2.4 A half rate TCH at less than or equal to 2.4 kbit/s.
TCH/H4.8 A half rate TCH at 4.8 kbit/s.
TCH/HS A half rate Speech TCH).
TCI Transceiver Control Interface.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
TC-TR Technical Commitee Technical Report.
TCU Transceiver Control Unit.
TDD Time Division Duplex
TDF Twin Duplexed Filter
TDM Time Division Multiplex
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access. A system where users access all the frequency but only for a limited time.
TE Terminal Equipment. Equipment that provides the functions necessary for the operation of the access protocols by the user.
TEI Terminal endpoint identifier.
TEI Terminal Equipment Identity.
TEMS Test Equipment Mobile System (3.1 version)
TETRA Terrestrial Trunk Radio
TFA TransFer Allowed
TFP TransFer Prohibited.
Timeslot The multiplex subdivision in which voice and signalling bits are sent over the air. Each RF carrier is divided into 8 timeslots.
TMM Traffic Metering and Measuring.
TMN Telecommunication Management Network. The concept of managing the network from a single point using a networked operations and maintenance system.
TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity. A GSM number given to the mobile during an encrypted call to prevent eavesdroppers being able to located the mobile.
TN Timeslot Number.
TON Type Of Number.
Training seq.Sequence of modulating bits employed to facilitate timing recovery and channel equalization in the receiver.
TRAU Transcoder and Rate Adapter Unit.
TRX Transmit/Receive module. The GSM term for a single carrier card within a BTS.
TSA TimeSlot Acquisition.
TSA TimeSlot Assignment.
TSDA Transceiver Speech & Data Interface.
TSC Training Sequence Code.
TSI TimeSlot Interchange.
TSDI Transceiver Speech and Data Interface.
TSM Transceiver Station Manager.
TSW Timeslot SWitch.
TU Traffic Unit.
TXPWR Transmit PoWeR. Tx power level in the MS_TXPWR_REQUEST and MS_TXPWR_CONF parameters.
TxBPF Transmit Bandpass Filter.
UA Unnumbered Acknowledgment. A message sent from the MS to the BSS to acknowledge release of radio resources when a call is being cleared.
UDI Unrestricted Digital Information.
UDP User Datagram Protocol.
UDUB User Determined User Busy.
UID User ID. Unique number used by the system to identify the user.
Um Air interface.
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service. One name for the third generation mobile radio system.
UPCMI Uniform PCM Interface (13 bit).
UPLINK Communications path from portable part to fixed part.
UPT Universal Personal Telecommunications. The fixed network equivalent of third generation systems.
UPU User Part Unavailable.
Useful burst That part of the burst used by the demodulator; differs from the full burst because of the bit shift of the I and Q parts of the GMSK signal.
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data.
UUS User-to-User Signalling supplementary service.
VAD Voice Activity Detection. A process used to identify presence or absence of speech data bits. VAD is used with DTX.
VAP Videotex Access Point.
VBS Voice Broadcast Service.
VGCS Voice Group Call Service.
VLR Visitor Location Register. A GSM network element which provides a temporary register for subscriber information for a visiting subscriber. Often a part of the MSC.
VMSC Visited MSC. (Recommendation not to be used).
VOX Voice Operated Transmission.
VSC Videotex Service Centre.
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal. The part of the GSM system responsible for keeping track of a mobile’s position to the nearest location area.
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WLL Wireless Local Loop. The use of radio to replace copper wiring as a means of onnecting the home to the PSTN.
WPA Wrong Password Attempts (counter).
WPBX Wireless PBX
WRC World Radio Conference. The bi – annual international conferences to determine the use of the radio spectrum.
WRS Wireless Relay Station
WS Work Station. The remote device via which O&M personnel execute input and output transactions for network management purposes.
WSF Work Station Function block.
X.25 link A communications link which conforms to X.25 specifications and uses X.25 protocol (NE to OMC links).
XBL Transcoder to BSS Link. The carrier communications link between the Transcoder (XCDR) and the BSS.
XCDR Full-rate Transcoder. Provides speech transcoding and 4:1 submultiplexing (p/o BSS, BSC or XCDR).
XID eXchange IDentifier.
ZC Zone Code